Jr Engineers Ages 5-8 years old

Lego WeDo Robotics

Introduces young students to robotics. Students will be able to build models featuring working motors and sensors; program their models; and explore a series of cross-curricular, theme-based activities while developing their skills in language, literacy, and social studies.

Key Learning Values

  •  Science: working with simple machines, gears, levers, pulleys; transmission of motion.
  • Technology: programming; using software media; designing and creating working model.
  • Mathematics: measuring time and distance; adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, estimating, randomness; using variables.

Extension Activities

  • Lego WeDo Starwars Robocamp: Inspired by NASA and Star Wars, watch legos come to life on this class of fun filled of engineering and science activities. Using Lego WeDo Robotics, each day students will build and program different lego projects such X-wings , AT-ST walker, RoboArm and more!
  • Lego WeDo Safari Robocamp: Each exercise in this course focuses on one of many creations of the most creative engineer in our history – Mother Nature. With this course, students can build, program and learn robots representing 12 various animals. Model examples: Giraffe, Venus flytrap, Gorilla and more!
  • Lego WeDo City Robocamp: This camp is designed so that keen young engineers of the future can learn about new technologies and robots that could improve life in a modern city. 12 models to choose